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The World Pharmacy Council (WPC) met at its annual Pharmintercom conference from 28-31 May 2024 at the headquarters of Associação Nacional das Farmácias (ANF) in Lisbon. The conference had personal representation from all eleven member organisations and two international guest organisations. The theme of Pharmintercom 2024 was “Securing the core business of community pharmacy”, and this stimulated discussion around urgent solutions to address the shortfall of funding within the sector. The conference opened with comments from the WPC President around defining “the core service of community pharmacy”, the often undervalued and overlooked role of community pharmacy in ensuring the safe and appropriate dispensing of medicines and how to ensure this vital role is properly recognised and remunerated.

The increasing rise of pharmacy closures and workforce pressures were two key issues discussed at the conference, and the WPC tackled the often unrealistic expectations of government that pharmacies can “do more for less”. It was determined that to ensure pharmacies can continue to provide high quality patient services, a funding model which is viable, fair, efficient, explicit, and responsive is required. Understanding the economic feasibility of full scope of practice was an important subject at the meeting. The WPC determined that the sector needs to be recognised for its essential clinical assessment function within the dispensing process and there is a role for technological advancement to support the workforce pressures and improve the patient experience.


This year’s edition of Pharmintercom comes off the back of recent discussions between the WPC and the World Health Organisation (WHO), World Trade Organisation (WTO), and the United Nations (UN) regarding important topics such as global medicines shortages and the appropriate classification of community pharmacies as health care providers. The WPC is a member of the Associate Expert Group of Business at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and continued to actively engage in Lisbon with the organisation regarding the crisis of medicines shortages.


Following the sessions in 2024, the strategic plan was reviewed, and action points generated to continue to advance the WPC mission to build international recognition of community pharmacy, its role, policies, and value, and to influence, promote and secure acceptance of community pharmacy as an important and integral part of health systems. Pharmintercom will be held in Singapore in 2025.

May 31, 2024

WPC Annual Conference, Lisbon, May 2024

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If you are an individual, please note that membership of the World Pharmacy Council is not available to individuals. The Council’s full members are community pharmacy representative organisations, and application for affiliate membership is open only to companies and other organisations that have an interest in the field of community pharmacy.

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The Danish Pharmacies Association is pharmacy's employer and trade association in Denmark.

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